Prayers DUring Covid-19
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no one is alone
Prayer When Confined To Your Home
This time of the Covid-19 pandemic is an opportunity for all of use – especially in families and as Church – to pray more intensely for each other and especially for those who have succumbed to the illness.
It is also a time when those of us who are sick, or whose lives are turned upside down because of being self-isolated, may find it difficult to pray in their new circumstances.
It can be easy to feel discouraged and to give up on prayer, at the very time when there is deepest need to know and feel the love and mercy of God and to entrust our worries and concerns to him.
Do not be afraid to bring any feelings of weakness and vulnerability to the Lord in prayer. But also do not be surprised if you find it difficult to pray at all.
Be gentle with yourself, and try to do what you can, and see where that might lead you.
SOme simple suggestions
Read and Reflect
on a Passage of Scripture
Psalm 39:14
O Lord, come to my rescue,
Lord, come to my aid
Jeremiah 17:14
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;
save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.
Matthew 14:30
Lord, save me
Revelations 22:30
Amen. Come, Lord Jesus
Hold a Crucifix
Simply hold a cross or crucifix and ask to know the closeness of Jesus to you, to know his sharing in your pain, for love of you. You might use any cross, but especially popular are the olive wood hand crosses made in Palestine. We offer our sickness and suffering in union with Jesus and with all those who suffer.
The Rosary
Pray a decade of the Rosary – or just hold the beads and remind yourself of God's love and care.
Quietly sing or hum a favourite hymn tune. Can't remember the words? Put a few of the lyrics into a search engine so you can sing along.
Look at a Picture
Make use of a picture that speaks to you of God's power, love and care. You may have guidebooks to favourite shrines which can focus prayer. You may also find images online.
Universalis App
It has long been the Church’s encouragement that those unable to attend Mass on Sundays should, if they can, spend time in prayer reading the readings and prayers of the Day. These texts can be found in a People’s Missal, or in the Universalis app. You might like to offer your prayer at the same time as Mass is usually offered in your parish.
The Universalis app also makes available the texts of the Church’s Divine Office - her daily prayer. You might find
Morning, Evening and Night Prayer the most helpful.
Spiritual Communion
There are times when people are unable to receive the Body and Blood of Christ, through illness or due to their personal disposition. Even though some may not receive ‘sacramental’ Communion, all are united in some way by the Holy Spirit. The traditional idea of ‘spiritual’ Communion is an important one to remember and reaffirm. A deep spiritual communion is possible even when we do not share together the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ. (cf. Celebrating the Mass 212)
My Jesus,
I believe that you are present in this Holy Sacrament of the altar.
I love you above all things and I passionately desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my soul so that I may unite myself wholly to you now and forever.
based on a prayer of St Alphonsus Liguori
General Prayer for Health
Christ be with me, Christ within me,
Christ behind me, Christ before me,
Christ beside me, Christ to win me,
Christ to comfort and restore me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ in quiet, Christ in danger,
Christ in hearts of all that love me,
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger.
Prayer for Health and Social Care Workers
Wondrous God, author of life,
you fashioned us in your likeness
and breathed into us the life which is your own. Be with those whose special care is the health of mind and body.
Fill their hearts with awe for the life which is your gift and sustain them daily in your service, that their hands may bring to others the comfort of your healing touch.Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for those affected
by the current situation
Merciful God,
come to the help of your people.
Be our shelter in this time of peril
and strengthen the bonds of our community. Bring healing to all who suffer the ravages of disease and assist those whose skill and art can put an end to this affliction.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Prayer for the Household
Hear us, Lord, and send your angel from heaven to visit and protect, to comfort and defend all who live in this house. Amen.
Whilst unwell
In sickness, you have the benefit of knowing that you are being prayed for by the Church. You may also be in a position where you can pray to God for yourself and your needs.
In addition – even in illness – you may find you have the strength and energy, and the desire, to pray for others. And when you can you are, of course, sharing in the mission of the Church, interceding for those in need, sharing your love, inspired by the Lord’s love.
If you are sick or in isolation you have a particular experience of this to bring to the Lord as you pray on behalf of others. Your prayer may be all the more informed and focussed as a consequence.