11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B - 17th June 2018

The Customer is always right - true or false?
If you are the customer, of course, you feel you have right and every due entitlement on your side. If you are the service provider, you could, on occasion, have your doubts. However, the basic principle is correct - the customer is indeed always right.
Customer or Disciples?
Last Saturday, at out parish open day, Fr. Paul Roche challenged us: Are we merely customers or disciples? In other words, is the church there, as the old cliche said, for purposes of "hatch, match and dispatch" and, those who serve the church community, merely service providers.
The most important day of your life?
When St. John Paul II was asked what was he most important day oh his life, he answered, without hesitation, "the day of my baptism". This is the day that you and I became missionary disciples.
Passive Recipients - Take and no Give!
If I do not become a missionary disciple, then I am a passive recipient, said Pope Francis. It has to be a give and take community of worshippers. We thank God for all in this parish who are missionary disciples. They are truly "give and take" Christians, whether in active ministry or in the contemplation of their home chapels.
Walking out Christians
In the past we had a sedate was of describing two people in love - they were simply "walking out"! Fr. Paul challenged us to be walking out Christians, people who walks with others in collaboration (co-labourers for Christ).
Mustard seeds
Each person in mass today is called to be that mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. Bloom where you are planted. Become a Baptised Missionary Disciple. Se what you can bring to the table of the Lord today, in terms of time, talent and treasure.
Fr. Michael McCullagh C.M.