Groups &
Cafod reaches out to people living in poverty with
practical help, whatever their religion or culture. They
also campaign for global justice, so that every woman,
man and child can live a full and dignified life.
Caritas Westminster
Caritas is the social outreach charity of the Diocese of Westminster, tackling poverty and social exclusion, providing support with shelter, food security, dignified work, financial resilience and social inclusion and belonging. To find out more, click here.
Colindale Food Bank
Part of the Trussell Trust’s UK-wide foodbank network.
Frontline care professionals, doctors, and social workers
give food bank vouchers to people in crisis. It provides
emergency food to thousands of people nationwide
every year.
First Sunday of each month the parish
donates non-perishable food stuff to the
local foodbank in Colindale.
Good Neighbour Scheme
This is a visible expression of the churches working
together to provide assistance to the elderly and less able
in our community, for example lifts to hospitals, doctors,
dentists and home visits for the lonely. The GNS runs
2 lunch clubs, a weekly shopping bus, and small
gardening service.
Office: Wilberforce Centre, St Paul’s Church,
The Ridgeway, NW7 1QU
Office Tel No: (020) 8906 3340
Office Hours: Weekdays 9am – 1pm
The Good Counsel Network
The Good Counsel Network offers a pregnancy test, moral support, medical information, legal advice and practical help to women seeking abortion, using effective and morally acceptable means.
Jasmine Women’s Group
Creative Project for refugee women organised in association
with Barnet Refugee Centre. This is an opportunity for women
to make social contacts improve their self-esteem and
self-confidence through learning new skills and work
towards a positive integration. It is also a potential platform
to invite speakers to talk about relevant health and social
issues. It meets on Friday mornings in the hall.