Welcome to our church!
A Community of Communities
We like to think of our church as a community of communities made up of many diverse and complementary cultures. Here is the ‘Village Well’ to which people come to quench their thirst for God and meaning in their lives. Here our communities, in the words of a great Peruvian theologian, Gustavo Gutierrez, are encouraged to drink from their own wells – the wells of their own faith backgrounds.
A Missionary Parish
Over the entrance door of our church, there is an etched window of Jesus the evangeliser, with his first announcement of the Good News to his home town, Nazareth:
“He Sent Me To Bring the Good News to the Poor”
It is also the motto of St. Vincent de Paul for his congregation of the Mission Priests, the Vincentians, who administer the parish. Inspired by these words, our parish is made up of ‘missionary disciples’ who reach out beyond the church and parish boundaries to our sisters and brothers in the global community.
Faith, Involvement and Friendship
We, therefore, extend a warm welcome to you, hoping that three key elements will keep you part of this worshipping community: faith, involvement and friendship.
We pray that your faith will be enriched by the example of those you meet, that you will have an opportunity to build up the community as a volunteer and that you will have a sense of friendship with those who welcome you among us.
May we continue to support and bless each other as a community of communities forming missionary disciples reaching out to those still longing to come home to themselves and to their God.
Fr Eugene Curran CM, Parish Priest