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Anointing of the sick

The Sacrament of Healing

In the letter of St James, it is written:


‘If there is anyone sick among you, he [or she] should ask for the presbyters of the church. They, in turn, are to pray over him [or her], anointing him [or her] with oil in the name of the Lord. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the person who is ill and the Lord will restore him [or her] to health.’

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Arranging an Anointing

Please sign up for our email newsletter and check for notices about the anointing of the sick.


All requests for anointing whilst parishioners are in hospital or at home can be made by contacting the presbytery.


The Sacred Heart recognizes the dedication and commitment of health professionals and all who offer care in the home in a ceremony of anointing of hands. Further information about this service can be found in the parish newsletter.

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