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Doing For Jesus

2nd Sunday of Easter - Year A - 23rd April, 2017

Thomas the Apostle found it difficult to believe that Jesus had risen and had appeared to his companions.

Eight days later he met Jesus who said to him ‘Doubt no longer but believe.’

We received the Holy Spirit at our baptism. The Holy Spirit helps us to trust God to commit ourselves to the service of God - as single people, married people, divorced people, as priests and religious sisters and religious brothers.

Our faith is a gift from God who leaves us free to accept it.

It is a mysterious relationship.

It has consequences for us.

Our parents gave us our physical life. We have God’s life in us by our faith.

Our physical bodies grow and develop thanks to the care of our parents and the care and love of God. Our faith grows through the circumstances of our lives e.g. how do I cope with illness personally or in my family, unemployment, difficulty in relationships?

Reading Sacred Scriptures and receiving Sacraments Penance and Holy Communion nourishes our faith. At times God might seem to be absent in our lives.

Ignatius of Loyola lived in Spain and died in 1556.

He was a soldier.

He was injured in battle and was inspired by reading about St Dominic and St Francis.

Ignatius realised that he was a loved sinner.

He suggested that I look at the crucifix and ask myself three questions.

What have I done for Jesus?

What am I doing for Jesus?

What will I do for Jesus?

Fr Noel Travers C. M.


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