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The Most Holy Trinity - Year A - 11th June, 2017

Just a thought for Trinity Sunday ...

It comes in all shapes and sizes!

I was once asked if all my brothers were priests and all my sisters nuns! “No”, I said, “I was born into a family!” Family has to do with whom I relate – hence the word, relations.

There is no handbook on family life

Many years ago Dr. Benjamin Spock wrote a book on baby and child-care advising how children ought to be nurtured. However, after many years and some devoted disciples it is said that he revised his thinking and was not sure his initial advice was so good after all!

A fractured family in a fragile world

In the last three months in particular we see how fragile and fractured our human family on earth has become. Indeed since the beginning of time people, including Christians, have projected on to their Gods, attitudes of racial prejudice, revenge and even hatred.

A privileged Family

How privileged we are today, Trinity Sunday. God is revealed to us as the God of ‘tenderness and compassion.’ Moses says we are a ‘headstrong people’ but asks this God to ‘forgive us our faults and our sins and adopt us as (his) heritage.’ We acknowledge a God who is Father to all and who loves the whole of his people equally. We hear the reassuring words in the gospel: ‘God sent his son into the world, not to condemn the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.’

Family Unity

You may have heard the phrase: “When the mother is called away, that is the end of the family.” Yes and No! When mother is called to heaven family members have to make an intention to remain a family – it becomes an intentional family.

A family in God's family

Now is the time to make our church a family again. Today we are given God as Father and Jesus as brother calling us to ‘be united; to live in peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.’ The Holy Spirit is the bond of love binding us as sisters and brothers.

Come Holy Spirit, bind us together in love, take away our prejudice and fear; make us one in Christ in our hearts and in our homes, in our towns and villages and on the streets of our cities this week.

Fr. Michael McCullagh C.M.


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