32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A - 12th November 2017

November is the month of the Holy Souls.
May is the month of Mary; June is month of Sacred Heart.
October is month of Mary and the Rosary.
February has the World Day of Prayer for the Sick.
In this month, we pray for the deceased members of our families. "It's a holy and a wholesome thought to pray for them that they may be released from their sins."
I find it heart warming to remember my parents , brother and three sisters. It brings back many happy memories. It makes me feel so grateful for being born into so wonderful a family. They have moved from our small family, through the Catholic family on earth, to the family of love in heaven, maybe via purgatory.
They joined the “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12:1). We are saved by simply remaining in the one circle of life and love, and not by standing separate or superior.
There is only One Love that will carry you across heaven's frontier when you die.
If you are already at home with Love here, you will quite easily move into the eternal home of Love, which we call heaven.
Fr. Eamon Raftery, C.M.