Palm Sunday of the Passion of Our Lord, Year B - 25th March 2018

People welcome Jesus as he entered Jerusalem.
He knew he was going to suffer there.
He faced it with courage despite the rejection and humiliation he would experience.
Palm Sunday is the beginning of the Holy Week.
Do I make Jesus welcome in my life?
Is he the centre of my life?
How an I responding to His love for me ?
How do I deal with suffering and failure or rejection?
Suffering and resurrection are part and parcel of my life, as I journey towards my death and my resurrection.
Before he blesses the palms the priest prays, “Therefore with all faith and devotion let us commemorate the Lord’s entry into the city for our salvation, following in his footsteps, so that, being made by his grace partakers of the Cross we may have a share also in his Resurrection and in His life.”
Fr Noel Travers CM